Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center

A lot and I mean A LOT (!) has already been written about the brand new SNFCC (short for Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center). I had the pleasure of visiting on two separate days during the four-day events at the end of June, along with over 105000 visitors… Ι can assure you that I cannot wait for its full operation which should be sometime in 2017!

Even now, I always look into the regularly sent newsletters, for any activities that are already taking place and try to go as often as possible!

Greek National Opera

On the last day of the four-day events in June, I was lucky enough to be part of the last group of the day (thanks to my darling brother, who patiently stood in line early in the morning, to get me a priority ticket), for a visit of the new National Opera. What a jewel! I felt hopeful and deeply moved that day!

Our group of 20 people had the immense opportunity of being guided to the front and backstage of the Opera by Mr Theodore Maravelias, Chief Technical Officer of the whole project. He spoke with such passion and love of this project…often stressing out the excellent cooperation between hundreds of people, obviously the result of great leadership! And he was optimistic, that the Greeks will embrace and take care of this modern Parthenon!

New technologies are introduced in all of the projects of the SNFCC, both in construction, landscaping, acoustics, audiovisual, etc. Absolutely nothing was left to chance. A lot of knowhow was shared with Greeks that worked in the project, ready now to pass it on themselves to others.

The landscaping particularly, was so brilliantly designed, featuring elements of the Greek flora, countless olive trees, wheat, lavender, thyme…

I am sure that artists will also appreciate the amazing infrastructure that is part of the project. And from now on, World renowned  artists will be able to perform here, since the required standards are definitely met!

I cannot wait to be in the crowd enjoying the first performance that will take place at the Opera and I will make sure to have a long gown to wear by then!

Mosaic will keep you posted for all the upcoming events and performances, so that you can benefit while visiting Athens or living here!

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