Lets talk about Cyprus: “Remembrance II” by Spyros Agathou

Gallery Kypriaki Gonia is hosting the second solo exhibition of Spyros Agathou, under the title, “Remembrance II”, starting on Friday 14 October 2016, at 7.30 p.m.


My very dear and talented friend Spyros Agathou was born in 1976 in Nicosia. He is originally from Larnaka where he now lives and works.

Spyros studied Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts “Pietro Vannucci” in Perugia, Italy. In 2003 he attended the Postgraduate degree in Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art, at the University Complutense, Madrid, Spain.

In 2002 he was awarded with distinction at the contest of Engraving “3rd Premio Giovanni Biella per l’incisione 2002” in Italy. In 2010, his engraving work was honourably mentioned at the competition “Telemachos Kanthos”. In 2014 he received the second prize in Engraving in the same competition.

In October 2007 he presented his first solo exhibition entitled MIMNISKO (Remembrance) at the Gallery Kypriaki Gonia, in Larnaka. He has participated in many group exhibitions in Cyprus and abroad.

Since 2007 with Antonis Tziarrides, he is one of the founders of the interactive educational workshop for children spyrA.art.studio in Larnaka.

About the exhibition

“Time is a necessary condition for memory. In an endless present- in a never ending here and now- there is no memory. And even though the passage of time creates memory, it simultaneously wears it down, causing losses and distortions. Just as the sea erodes the earth, creating rocks, pebbles, sand and oblivion. It is precisely this dual action that forms the elements- words, emotions and acts- which constitute us as the fruit of the continuous and unimpeded flow of time. Spyros Agathou sheds light on the creative union between time and memory, portraying it as the privileged place of aesthetic fulfillment.”

The opening will take place on Friday October 14, 2016 at 7.30 p.m. The exhibition will be open until October 29, 2016.

During the exhibition the works will be hosted on the gallery’s website: www.gallerykypriakigonia.com.cy

Visiting hours:
Monday – Saturday  10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. & 4.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Sunday                          4.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.

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